Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Jenna and Snort!

Jenna turned 3 on Sunday and Sarah turned 1 month today :). Yes - Sarah's nickname has become snort. She snorts constantly (a fact we definitely want to share with potential suitors when she is older). Instead of the white bear, we are taking pictures of Sarah with a white lamb. Here is her one month lamb picture. We will come up with a better nickname for her later, but for now, she is snort. Jenna had the nickname "defiler" given by Daddy, and I've given Sarah the nickname of snort. Jenna's current nickname is "bug" so I'm sure we'll come up with a better one for Sarah. Although I can't imagine her doing anything but snorting. She even snorts in her sleep!

I also included a picture of Jenna decked out in princess attire complete with purse and sunglasses thanks to Aunt Missy. Jenna had an awesome birthday party at Recreations Outlet here in Powell. It is a huge indoor swingset place. We all had a good time (21 kids came!).

Check out these cool cupcakes. I wish I was that talented!
Quiddler score = 69. Who knew beclothe was a word?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Our New Family

We are now getting settled in as a family. Here is a picture of our new family and one of Jenna and Sarah together. Now we have his and hers kids. I usually take care of Sarah and Erik watches Jenna, although he tries to get Jenna to watch Sarah too.

Sarah was on the bili blanket for an entire week. The day after we took off the blanket, we gave her a bath and a few days later her cord fell off. She's becoming such a big girl! (well if 7 lbs is big!)

We've been so blessed by our friends. People have been bringing us dinner and it has been wonderful. And dessert - and now that I can eat sweets again, I've been pigging out! It is kind of the opposite of a New Years Resolution to eat better. Mine is to eat worse *smile*.

We recently bought a camper. It is a Cherokee Grey Wolf 26BH and looks awesome! Here is a link: for the main site. Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures of the one we bought, but it looks awesome! We don't get it until March but I'm so excited to go camping!

Currently I am reading 6 books:
  1. Guilt Free Motherhood by Julia Slattery
  2. Biology through the Eyes of Faith by Richard Wright
  3. The Wishsong of Shannara by Terry Brooks
  4. The Seeress of Kell by David Eddings
  5. Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind
  6. Streams of Silver by R.A.Salvatore

I realized this is a lot to read at one time but I don't mix up the stories. Next, I plan on starting the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series by Tad Williams. Obviously I like fantasy novels!

Today I got 89 on Quiddler. Not a great showing, and jave is not a word. It sounds like a word to me!