Jenna has become quite the entertainer. She can sing many songs such as:
- Twinkle Twinkle, Little star
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Two little bluebirds
- Two little dickybirds
- ABC's (sort of)
- I'm a little teapot
- Row Row Row your boat
- Happy Birthday to you
- The wheels on the bus
Here is a video of her singing Twinkle Star. Very cute!
I've also finally decided to post a picture from our Daytona trip. This is Jenna all decked out in her Arial bathing suit complete with sunglasses and hat. She is adorable.
In goofier news, I've added a picture of the premarital couple we have been working with. Erik and I are marriage mentors at our church and we have been meeting with Ben and Anne to prepare them for marriage and pass on some of our wisdom (however limited that may be). They remind us of ourselves not too long ago. 22, in school, and getting married in September. How cool!
Today I got 68 points on Quiddler and got to make the word nth. Now that's a cool word. Only 6 more days until Harry Potter 7. I can't wait!!!