Friday, October 05, 2007

Question Everything

Jenna asks approximately 33,882 questions in one day. This is an example of a typical conversation (J = Jenna, M = Mommy):
J: Mommy what do you have on your foot?
M: I have a booboo.
J: Why?
M: I dropped an ironing board on my toe
J: Why?
M: I have butterfingers
J: Why?
M: My fingers are slippery
J: Why?
M: My hands were wet
J: Why?
M: I was in a hurry and didn't dry them enough
J: Why?
etc etc etc

When will it ever end!
At least I got to make the word saloon on Quiddler - 61 points!


Cheryl said...

It won't end for a long time!!! Its good, though exasperating at times, as eventually she will stop and you will wish she would talk and share more with you. ;)
What a cute little questioner she is!!!

Joel said...

Why don't you question everything?