Friday, December 19, 2014

The best pancakes

Best Santa Ever
The kids are always asking to go to Entertrainment Junction. Jenna loves the funhouse and Sarah and Matthew love the trains and play area. This year we also visited Santa there. This Santa was the best Santa we have ever seen. Ever. We've seen a lot of Santas. Jenna asked why his elfs were so tall. He went into this huge dialogue about how there are elf microscopius and elf humongous and different crazy elf species. He was hilarious and Jenna loved it. 

Fun house
 Jenna loves the hall of mirrors and crazy spinny things at the funhouse. It all makes Erik sick so I'm the one who takes her all through the funhouse when we go. I love it too! After Entertrainment Junction we went to Ihop. Jenna said it was the best day ever.
Matthew really loves trains
 Erik has never liked our Christmas tree. It is wide and full and beautiful. It gives us Christmas cheer as we sit by the fire drinking hot cocoa next to our beautiful tree.

Instead, Erik decided to go buy a "pencil tree" that looks more like a toothpick. He can lift it with one hand and just loves it. I'm not a fan.....
He's so proud of our Christmas toothpick
 After going to Ihop we discussed the best type of pancakes. Instead of just discussing we decided to have a pancake taste test. We ordered take out pancakes from Bob Evans and Ihop and we made homemade pancakes. I liked Bob Evans the best, Jenna and Erik liked Ihop and Sarah liked the homemade. Matthew abstained from voting.
Jenna loves pancakes
 Both girl scout troops went caroling at a nursing home. The residents really loved the girls excitement especially in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. In the corner you can see my old boom box. I almost teased my hair and wore leg warmers to fit in. I couldn't get the bluetooth speaker to work with my phone so I had to resort to an old school method of using a boom box. Still worked just fine!
Christmas Carols
I have the flu and most likely double ear infections. It has hit me hard and I've had no energy. I've been laying by our fireplace all day doing nothing. This has been awful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better. I know the feeling. It lasted a few weeks for dad and I. Nana