Thursday, May 05, 2016

Life marches on

My best friend Jen turned 40 yesterday. She is 10 months younger than me even though she insists she is a year younger than me. To celebrate we went to get pedicures and then to the Cheesecake Factory. It was a great time! She picked the 7 of us to go: Joy, Dana, Jen, Me, Sherri, Melissa, and Angie. We all had a great time!
Cheesecake Factory

Our toes
 Our tenant moved in May 1 to our new rental. She is still looking for a roommate and I'm hoping she will find one soon so she won't have any problems paying the rent. The house looks amazing. Erik has been working so hard on it and I can't believe the transformation. With new vinyl, carpet, a fresh coat of paint, and just cleaning it up, the house looks fantastic. I would move in there!
The new floor in the new house
 We went to Great Wolf Lodge last weekend with my family. The kids LOVE Great Wolf Lodge yet we always come back with some sort of disease. Jenna and Matthew had strep throat and Sarah was throwing up. So yeah. That happened. It was fun while we were there though. Jenna, Sarah and I rode the water slides quite a bit while Erik played with Matthew. He rode two slides then got sick from motion sickness. Sucka! More rides for me!
Erik and Sarah going to the Daddy daughter dance
 On Saturday Jenna had her saxophone recital. She played a duet with Jackie her teacher then played a solo. She did absolutely amazing. I can't believe how great she is doing! She is so good at the saxophone - just call her Kenny G. Hear her recital here. After Jenna played Sarah threw up in the car. Yipee! That basically culminated the week for us.
Jenna at her recital.
 Erik's Grandmother (Granmommom), his mother's mother passed away yesterday. She was his last surviving grandparent. Neither of us have any surviving Grandparents. We are going to Colorado for the funeral and I have convinced Erik that the whole family should go. Our kids haven't met many of the people in his family and I'd really like them to meet the family. It is sad she passed but she had a full life and was well loved.
Granmommom and Grandada
Ticket to ride

Twinkles loves Erik

My art project - teacher gifts
In other news:

  1. I've read several Melanie Dickerson books. They are fun, easy books to read.
  2. Our Cooper book club is reading Mistborn: The Secret History. I was happy to see one of my favorite characters resurrected. Can't wait to read future stories about him.
  3. I'm reading For the Love by Jen Hatmaker. She is hilarious and my best friend I'm sure. 
  4. I love my new diet as a vegetarian. We went to Fazolis for dinner and I replaced the chicken and bacon on my chicken bacon tortellini with broccoli. Seems like a good trade ;). 
  5. Last week I took a Certified Ethical Hacker training class. I thought it would be a breeze since the Android class was easy for me. The issue is that - the more you learn the more you realize you don't know! I can do programming (which was basically what Android app development is). System and network admin (which is the bulk of CEH) is not something I'm terribly familiar with. So there is quite a learning curve here and I need to study a LOT for this test. And Erik refuses to let me hack into his machine for practice. The nerve! 
  6. We only have a few more weeks left of school. They pack everything into the last three weeks of school too. Field trips, enrichment day, field day, parties, band concerts, art shows. AAAH! I'm ready for this school year to be over. 

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