Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Jenna and Snort!

Jenna turned 3 on Sunday and Sarah turned 1 month today :). Yes - Sarah's nickname has become snort. She snorts constantly (a fact we definitely want to share with potential suitors when she is older). Instead of the white bear, we are taking pictures of Sarah with a white lamb. Here is her one month lamb picture. We will come up with a better nickname for her later, but for now, she is snort. Jenna had the nickname "defiler" given by Daddy, and I've given Sarah the nickname of snort. Jenna's current nickname is "bug" so I'm sure we'll come up with a better one for Sarah. Although I can't imagine her doing anything but snorting. She even snorts in her sleep!

I also included a picture of Jenna decked out in princess attire complete with purse and sunglasses thanks to Aunt Missy. Jenna had an awesome birthday party at Recreations Outlet here in Powell. It is a huge indoor swingset place. We all had a good time (21 kids came!).

Check out these cool cupcakes. I wish I was that talented!
Quiddler score = 69. Who knew beclothe was a word?


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe how big Jenna is and that Sarah is already a month old!! Wow!!
Hope all is going well in the Cooper house!!

Cheryl said...

Great pictures, Gina. We had so much fun with Jenna this week. She is a real princess!!! :) That is such a cute picture.
Sarah is really growing too, isn't she? She fills out that newborn outfit.
Take care of yourself too. love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Birthday Jenna. Still, that stuffed toy is horrible!!

You should replace it with a good, wholesome stuffed animal like THIS.

Anonymous said...

Snort is super cute! Umm, can I just say I never thought I would ever write that sentence?

Anyway, I cannot believe how blessed you and Erik (and all of us) are to have two such adorable girls.

Bug's "Fairy Godmother"