Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The last hurrah of summer in the middle of August

I know it may seem that every post I write after the last one will make me sound like a hypocrite. And I am. But I'm working on it. I'm trying to move away from a consumer Christian. So you will have to bear with me - hypocrisy and all!

The kids start school this week. Yes - in the middle of August. It seems early but they are ready. Jenna practiced her math facts (which she has not practiced for the past several months) and knew all of them except 8*6. Pretty impressive I'd have to say.

So for our last hurrah of summer Erik took a vacation day last Friday and we all went to the zoo to just ride the rides. Everyone had a blast! We packed a picnic lunch and rode rides for 5 hours. We rarely had a line for any of the rides. Erik avoided the rides but the rest of us had a great time (yay for the tilt-a-whirl!)

Jenna on the Merry Go Round

Matthew and I riding on the bench (see Sarah in the background)

Sarah on the Merry Go Round

Sarah and Matthew in the teacup ride
 Jenna and I rode on the roller coaster which meant that Sarah wanted to ride. I looked at the height requirement and to my surprise both Sarah and Matthew were tall enough. So we all went on the roller coaster. Yes - I took a 4 year old on a roller coaster. He LOVED it! The girls did too. I guess we are are ready for the Harry Potter rollercoaster. Jenna only talks about this EVERY DAY.
Sarah, Me and Matthew on the roller coaster  - Matthew is wearing a bright orange shirt
On Saturday Erik and I ran the Warrior Dash. Last year I ran it with Amanda. It was a fun course, a bright sunny day, and we had a great time. Unfortunately Amanda was sick this year so she couldn't go with us. Someone is always sick! Afterwards we went to Panera for lunch covered in mud. My parents watched the kids on Saturday while we were at the dash. This was a great date!
Erik and I after the Warrior Dash -Look I took a selfie!
78 points on quiddler today

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