Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My nap was shiny

The mind of a three year old! Sometimes Jenna says things that really don't make sense. How can a nap be shiny? Sometimes she asks good questions (to which I can give her an honest, sensible answer) and other times she asks random questions. For example, today she asked why her middle finger was taller than her thumb. My reply was that "God made your fingers that way". What would I do if I was an athiest? How do they answer questions from three year olds? "billions of years of evolution involving mutations in genetic code and natural selection resulted in the design of your hand". No - that wouldn't fly.

I'm a big fan of lifehack and found this list of 10 skills you need to succeed at almost anything to be a good post. Public speaking is the top of the list. While I'm a teacher, I know I'm terrible at public speaking. I get flustered so easily, even when talking with a few people. This is something I need to overcome. I'm a teacher for goodness sake!

I got the second Mistborn book from the library because I couldn't wait until I saw Jon again to borrow it :). Thinking through this book I realized why I like it so much. I enjoy stories in which the protagonist is a female. This is often lacking in fantasy literature. The Deed of Paksennarion is one of my favorite fantasy novels with a heroine. Also, there is a forbidden love romance (she is poor and he is rich). This is a relationship I like to read in novels or see in movies (like Romeo and Juliet, Pride and Prejudice, and Underworld - a movie I watch often and is very different from Pride and Prejudice!)

56 on Quiddler today!


Anonymous said...

I want a shiny nap! :)

I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Your descriptions of mistborne make me want to read it, and I'd like to take this moment to voice my predilection for vampire related movies. I loved Underworld! Two thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

oh! Btw... I wrote a post about the Django web framework recently with you in mind :)