Thursday, April 04, 2013

Never far from me

"When you are born you cry and the world rejoices. When you die the world cries and you rejoice."

This a quote from the eulogy at Lynn's funeral today. The funeral was nice until Joe sang and played a song on the piano called "Never Far from Me". He couldn't make it through the song and everyone in the church was sobbing.

I still don't understand, and cry every day, and miss her so much. Please pray for Joe, Lauren, and Jacob. Joe has amazed me with his faith and eloquence.

Some good things are happening to outweigh this tragedy. Erik's parents are closing on their house tomorrow and have received an offer on their current house. It looks like everything is falling into place for them to move here this summer.

Missy is getting married in a little over a week and we are all looking forward to the wedding. I am also going to the Bachelorette party this weekend.

At some point life will go back to normal just as it did when Scruffles died. Just when I think I can shed no more tears...I'm wrong.

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