Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Surviving the week

I know that God does not give us more than we can handle. This week...I'm not sure.
All week I am babysitting Lauren and Jacob, my friend Lynn's kids and I know I've reached my limit. 5 kids is a lot. Especially since Matthew requires extra attention.

I took all 5 kids to Walmart because they wanted to buy fabric for costumes they were making. Never again.  Never. Again.  If they are all alive at the end of this week then it will be successful. I know it's Fathers day this weekend but I need a break, or maybe tequila. One of the two.
The kids in their costumes
Jenna's last day of school was June 4th. For her party, we had an ice cream sundae bar. This was a hit among kids and adults! The first week off of school the kids went to VBS in Plain City. They had a great time and have been singing the songs they learned. I've signed them up for 3 VBS's this summer!
Sarah, Lauren, Saatvika, and Jenna
 This weekend I took the kids to West Virginia to celebrate Erik's parents retirement. They had a retirement party after church on Sunday. Aunt Carol (Erik's Dad's sister) was there and it was good to see her. Erik's dad and his sister are in amazing shape for their ages. We went to the playground and Aunt Carol was up climbing on the equipment with Sarah :).

At the party, they church gave them a gift of a Windows 8 touchscreen laptop. Since my own was cracked by Matthew - I told them to keep it away from him. It's exciting they will be retiring and moving here in just a few weeks!
Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa!

 In other news, my friend Jen requested I make a peanut butter cheesecake. I really can't say no to such a request. I made this recipe and put chocolate ganache on top. It was fantastic. I love peanut butter and cheesecake so you just can't go wrong with this combination.
pb cheesecake
Maybe cheesecake goes with tequila? I'll find out after this week is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have new respect for elementary teachers? Nana