Friday, April 24, 2009

Railroad Yummies

I found this picture of a Carcassone cake on This game is a lot of fun and found this cake rendition a good one. It has inspired me! If I ever do beat Erik at Railroad Tycoon - I might just make a Railroad Tycoon cake! Although the board is much bigger and hugely more complicated and I'm NOT drawing little hexagonal lines on the cake. So maybe I won't do this...

Next week starts a new semester and I'm nervous. I'm teaching math which I haven't taught since 2004. I love math but it is easy to get rusty when you don't "complete the square" every day. So I hope the class goes well. I'll be spending all weekend preparing. Except for the time on Saturday when we go pick up the camper! It is 80°F out today and beautiful! So it should be a perfect day for me to risk my life cleaning the top of the camper.

Missy, my "sister", bought the girls singing and dancing toys for Easter. These toys are played constantly. I do have a video but it doesn't quite show Sarah doing the chicken dance. She really tries to do the chicken dance. Jenna is having a ball dancing and Sarah is trying. Check it out.

Only 78 on Quiddler today!


Anonymous said...

Sarah is dancing with the music and Jenna is dancing too. How cute! Nana

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is so adorable. I think I watched it 5 times in a row. How did you create such cute kids? :-)
