Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sew Awesome!

I promised you I would write about buying fabric at Joann's fabrics so here I go:

I made a dress.

Seriously. A dress

I used Becca's sewing machine and she taught me how to read a pattern, which is in another language. It uses words like interfacing and baste and batiste, all words that I do not know. Sewing = new vocabulary!
Sarah and Mrs. Kuhl on her first day
Jenna wants to be Laura Ingalls Wilder for Halloween. So Becca and I picked out some fabric for the dress, an apron, and a bonnet. I finished the dress and apron while I was there and am so proud!  I also included a picture of Sarah with Mrs. Kuhl her teacher in preschool this year. I hope it will be a great year for her.
Jenna as Laura Ingalls Wilder
Me sewing the dress
When I got home I went absolutely crazy and bought patterns and fabric to make more costumes. So now I just need a sewing machine!  I hope I can figure out these patterns without Becca to translate. 

Me and baby Charlotte
In other news:

  1. I finished reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book really challenged me to live for God rather than myself. I can't wait to read the rest of his books. 
  2. While on the trip I read a good deal of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier. When I got home, I had to finish this book. This book had the best declaration of love from a man to a woman that I can remember reading in a long time. I was bawling!
  3. I also finished half of Silverthorn which is the third book in the Riftwar Saga. This series just keeps getting better and I'm loving it.
  4. Our coo* book club is still working through the Mistborn trilogy and we are about halfway through Well of Ascension

87 on Quiddler today

1 comment:

DVK said...

I think any new hobby (or job) comes with a steep learning curve of lingo, short-hand, acronyms, etc. Good luck!

Congrats again on your successful attempts.