Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fun in the snow

Poor Erik got his wisdom teeth taken out on Friday at 1pm. He was in a lot of pain and sat by the fire all evening. He was able to drink a milkshake around 7pm when I got home from taking the kids to an indoor swingset place (to get them out of his way).  He can't eat nuts or pretzels for 2 weeks. 

One good thing about Friday was that it snowed. That might not sound particularly exciting but when you are a kid (or a big kid), snow is fun to play in. On Saturday we went sledding (while poor Erik wallowed at home in pain) and had a blast. Unfortunately Matthew wiped out so we had to leave earlier than the girls wanted to, but they still had a lot of fun. 
Sarah sledding

Long distance shot of Jenna sledding
 On Saturday evening I took the girls to Addie Price's 4th birthday party at the Chiller North. The girls had not been ice skating before but they really loved it. Jenna sped away from Sarah and I and lapped us a few times. Sarah was a little more timid but she didn't want to hold onto the wall or my hand. They both had great balance - maybe from ballet.
Ice skating at Chiller North
We are excited to go ice skating again. Maybe we will even take Matthew?

108 points on Quiddler today. I got an extra 20 points for "sheering"!

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