Monday, March 04, 2013

Living on a prayer

Since we've had kids, we have not had any family living close by. In the past we have had siblings living with us or near us but not lately. Well that's all about to change. Erik's parents are in contract on a house that is 0.8 miles from our house.

0.8 miles!!!!

If we walk through people's backyards we can walk to their house. I'm so excited for them to be close and see them all the time (built-in babysitters! Yipee!).
My in-laws new house
The house is beautiful too. It's new, has 4 bedrooms, and a large basement for a train layout. It will be nice for them to work with Matthew also and help him talk more too. 
Matthew loves dinosaurs
 Sarah went to a bowling birthday party this weekend and had some trouble with the ball actually reaching the pins to knock any down. As Bon Jovi serenaded us over the loudspeaker, Sarah's ball rolled so slowly I think I saw some moss gathering. So I stole this nifty ramp Sarah could roll the ball down. Take that - you give love a bad name!
Sarah bowling
 I was the mystery reader in Jenna's classroom. I read 3 books to her class and passed out twizzlers. Mrs. Tolford took the picture below. I love Matthew's face in this picture and Jenna's posing. Having Sarah in the background singing or drawing would complete the scene.
Mystery reader
Only 47 points on quiddler. I could never make a word with the z and that's a 14 point card. What's the point of z's anyway?  Besides twizzlers and zebras.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think my mom was .75miles from our house.Nana