Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pioneer day

Every year the entire third grade takes a field trip back in time for Pioneer Day. All the kids dress up as pioneers. Girls in bonnets and aprons and boys in suspenders and straw hats. They all look adorable. I bought Jenna's dress on etsy and Erik's mom made my dress for Pioneer day. We had a blast. 
Jenna and me
 The kids rotated to several different stations like: candle making, pioneer chores (washing clothes with a washboard/shucking corn/cleaning up fake horse doodoo....), square dancing, tin punching, grave rubbing, scavenger hunts, general store, biscuit making, butter making, making lemonade, games (tug of war, etc), watermelon spitting, and all kinds of pioneer activities.

In the morning I was doing square dancing. I danced all the way up until lunch time (and learned how to do-si-do!). Then I helped make butter in the afternoon. Jenna's favorite activity was candle making. She was so excited to burn the candle she made too!
Jenna's class
 Some of the kids were able to spit their watermelon seeds pretty far. As far back as I took this picture I was almost in the line of fire...
Watermelon seed spitting
 I loved Pioneer day. I'm so glad Jenna got to experience this and the weather was perfect.
Making lemonade

In addition to today being Pioneer day it was also Sarah's last day of school. Matthew finished school on Wed, Sarah today and Jenna will finish school tomorrow. They are bouncing off the wall with excitement for summer. I brought in the snack for Sarah's party. I made yellow cupcakes with white buttercream frosting. Then I put graham cracker crumbs on the cupcakes and a drink umbrella to look like the beach. It was so cute! I didn't get a picture though - the kids ate them up so quickly. 
Sarah and Mrs. Lukach
We are all ready for summer here!

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