Sunday, June 11, 2006


Last Thursday we took Jenna to the fountains at Easton to play in the water. She had such a good time!! She loved the water and even ventured into the middle of the fountains. What a brave little girl! Here is a picture of her enjoying the water :).
Of course I got wet as well. These fountains were wonderful, except for the fact that they are directly across from the Cheesecake factory - my favorite restaurant! I couldn't go there with a wet baby though. That doesn't seem appropriate. So we had a picnic lunch of macaroni and cheese and grapes. All while staring at the cheesecake factory...chocolate peanut butter cookie dough cheesecake...yum!!

Erik is done with his antibiotics and is much better. Jenna and I are still on them and while my ear infection doesn't hurt, I still have fluid in my ear. I feel like I am constantly under water. Maybe I should start using sign language more. At least Jenna would understand when I signed water and cookie :) :).

Today was the first day ever that either Erik or I got the top score on Quiddler. Erik got a 96 by making the word clotty. I only got a 74 but I did make the word quoted. However, I could not beat Erik's huge score.

Tim and Jen got a new game called Railroad Tycoon. It is an awesome game even though I lost miserably. I blame my loss on Erik's ruthlessness but that is a different story. I hope to play it again soon since it is great fun.

Time to go for now!

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