I got this survey from my
friend's blog and thought it would be fun
What were you doing 5 years ago?
1. Taking lots of classes at Wright State University
2. Moving into my new house (which is the house I'm living in now)
3. Not sleeping
4. Reading too many books when I should have been studying
5. Teaching at Devry
What are 5 things on your to-do list today (not in any particular order)?
1. Take Erik out to a surprise restaurant (Hyde Park - OOH! now he'll know!)
2. Clean the living room
3. Make blueberry pancakes for lunch
4. Finish grading my Tuesday night course's final exams
5. Read to Jenna and Sarah
What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. Dark Chocolate
2. Good quality cheese
3. Mixed nuts
4. Dates
5. Bananas
What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Give some to church
2. Buy several acres of land and build my dream house with a huge garden
3. Travel
4. Give some to family
5. Send the kids to private school
What are 5 of your bad habits?
1. Worrying about things I can't control
2. Spending too much time on the internet
3. Complaining
4. Storing/buying/wasting too much
5. Not cleaning on a regular schedule
What are 5 jobs you have had?
1. Professor
2. Glass Design Engineer
3. Co-op at LTV steel
4. Produce clerk at Grocery store
5. Ice cream scooper at Whipple Dari
Name 5 places you have lived
1. Canton, OH
2. Taylor Tower
3. Apartment on campus
4. Groveport, OH
5. Powell, OH