Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on my Goals!

100 days ago I came up with a list of goals I wanted to accomplish in 100 days. To keep track of my progress, I set up a spreadsheet (obviously) and unfortunately I did not do too well. Here are my goals and the percentage complete:
1. Go to bed by 11pm (50 out of 100 days) = 39/50 days, 78%
2. Read 2 fiction books = 13/2, 650%
3. Read 1 nonfiction book = 2/1, 200%
4. Read 1 journal paper = 1/1, 100%
5. Lose 5 lbs = gained 4 lbs, -80%
6. Exercise (30 out of 100 days - 30min) = 22/30, 73%
7. Pray at abortion clinic on Fridays (12 times) = 7/12, 58%
8. Go on 3 dates with husband = 3/3, 100%
9. Go on 2 mommy dates with Jenna = 1/2, 50%
10. Write in journal (80 out of 100 days) = 47/80, 59%
11. Do Iron Chef = 2/1, 200%
12. Try 3 new vegetables = 3/3, 100%
13. Memorize 1 verse per week (15 verses) = 12/15, 80%
14. Read to kids besides bedtime (45 out of 100 days) = 44/45, 98%
15. Clean desk 3 times = 3/3, 100%
16. Take Stats or Graphics design course =1/1, 100%
17. Have girls movie night = 1/1, 100%
18. Learn something new about GIMP = 0/1, 0%
19. Serve dinner at Faith Mission=1/1, 100%
20. Take a Pilates class = 0/1, 0%
21. Try 10 new recipes=9/10, 90%
22. Level my EQ2 character 2 levels =2/2, 100%
23. Do 3 things for my secret sister (mommy group) = 3/3, 100%
24. Paint master bathroom =1/1, 100%
25. Write conference/journal paper =1/1, 100%

Well this list is pretty dismal. 14 out of 25 goals were greater than 80% which is only 56% and thus I scored a "D" on my goals. Of course I could have probably finish some of my other goals if I would not have read so many fiction books. The fiction books count my audiobooks too so this really is a little skewed.

This list shows me that I need to rework my goals and come up with a new list or maybe scrap the whole goal thing as I don't seem to be very good at it.

I'll keep you posted!

68 points on Quiddler today and made the word "ute". Whatever that means!


Anonymous said...

I think your perception of your progress is a little skewed. Not even including the 98% of 100 for reading to the children, you hit 9 of 25 at (OR ABOVE) 100%...which means that you achieved TOTAL SUCCESS on OVER 1/3rd of your goals. (>36%)

Additionally, some of your goals *do* need reworking. For example you have "Exercise X times" as a goal, followed later by "Take a Pilates class", which overlaps as "Fitness".

Be happy with your successes and try again.

On things like this I take the attitude I have towards bowling--"While ideally you want to knock down ALL the pins everytime, you don't HAVE to; the point is to knock down as many as you can every time (and have fun doing it.)"

Anonymous said...

Actually, you did well, Gina. You made 100% in many categories, and high percentages in others. Just don't get discouraged, and keep trying.
Reading novels was great!!! :)
See you son,
love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Actually, you did well, Gina. You made 100% in many categories, and high percentages in others. Just don't get discouraged, and keep trying.
Reading novels was great!!! :)
See you son,
love, Mom