Saturday, February 13, 2010

An Exciting Week for Us!

This week was filled with exciting happenings in the Cooper household. I know you are on the edge of your seat and can't wait to hear about it!
On Monday we had an ultrasound and were able to see the baby. The whole family was there and the girls loved seeing the baby. The baby was moving like crazy! Unfortunately I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes again so I need to test my sugar and watch what I'm eating. Really...I always watch what I'm eating (who eats with their eyes closed??), but now I have to actually pay attention and count carbs.

On Wednesday, Jenna lost her first tooth. The tooth fairy visited her at night which was a special treat. We decided on 50cents a tooth. Both of us received a quarter but with inflation :) we decided Jenna could get a little more.

My mom came on Thursday and Erik and I went on a date to Baja Sol. It is a Mexican restaurant with a salsa bar. Yum! Since our previous favorite Mexican restaurant closed we needed to find a new one.

On Friday morning Erik and I went to a spinning class and I actually survived.

Friday afternoon Erik got Lasik!! I had tried to prepare him by telling him about the procedure and the burning afterwards. I had burning in my eyes for a few hours and then I felt great. I just listened to my mp3 player. I remember on the way home from the surgery just wanting to get home as quickly as possible so I could rest. Well after Erik's surgery I tried to get us out of there as fast as possible. Erik had a big smile on his face and said he felt great. Then he said he wanted to stop at McDonalds for a double cheeseburger - WHAT?!?! So we did. He had burning for maybe an hour but his recovery was very quick. Not that I'm jealous....

We even played a game he was feeling so good. I did make him listen to "Magic Kingdom for Sale" by Terry Brooks to rest his eyes. He liked the book quite a bit. Erik doesn't even have red zombie eyes like I did. Which is fortunate since he wanted to eat my brains.

Now Erik can see. It's such a miracle!

33 on quiddler. I lost a "j" and a "v" but got to make the word "pattie". I didn't realize it counted as a word :).

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