Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Sock Money

Often I berate myself over stupid things I've said or done in the past. In fact, I go over these situations in my mind quite frequently. I'm not sure why I torture myself this way - you'd think I could let it go.

For example, in high school I was a nerd. Plain and simple. Glasses + braces + marching band + top academic student + spent nights reading sci-fi = nerd. Even so, I still wanted to impress the seniors especially the senior trombone player in marching band.

Well he was collecting money to give a gift to our band director. As he was collecting money I realized the only money I had was the money in my sock.

Let me explain something. Marching band uniforms are not absolutely flattering nor do they have a lot of pockets. So the only place I was able to store extra emergency money was my sock.

Oh yea....sexy!

Well without thinking, I flagged down the senior trombone player to give him my money for the band director and reached into my sock to pull it out for him. I handed him my yucky sock money and watched in horror as he gingerly held it with a look of disgust and said "umm...thanks?".


53 points - terrible!

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