Happy Birthday Erik! |
(Greek Yogurt)^6 |
So I made a list of my favorite game mechanics. This was also difficult since many games fall into a few mechanics (as you will see from my list below). I know I left some out and probably didn't categorize everything exactly. I used some ideas from boardgamegeek. I listed the game mechanic along with some games that fall into the category. Of course a lot depends on my mood. Maybe my list will be different tomorrow!
- Worker Placement - Agricola, Lords of Waterdeep, Stone Age, Caylus, Le Havre
- Route/Network building - Ticket To Ride, Railroad Tycoon, Settlers of Catan, Transamerica, Thurn and Taxis
- Hand/Resource Management - Agricola, SanJuan, Goa, Race for the Galaxy, Acquire, El Grande
- Cooperative games - Pandemic, Shadows over Camelot, Battlestar Galactica, Sentinels of the Multiverse
- Auction/Bidding - Goa, PowerGrid, Ra, Amun Re, Aladdins Dragons, Tikal
- Role Selection - Puerto Rico, Navegador, Citadels
- Tile Placing - Carcassone, Princes of Florence, Castles of Burgundy, Acquire
- Pattern matching/Deduction - Set, Clue, Sleuth
- Word games - Scattergories, Boggle, Quiddler
- Party/Family - Taboo, Scattergories, Apples to Apples, Balderdash
- Card games - Rook, Euchre, Pinochle, Magic the Gathering
- Set collection - Lost cities, 7 Wonders, Bohnanza
85 points on Quiddler today. I like quiddler - it's #9!
I think that there is a mistake in your list. You have 'Set' listed under the category 'Pattern matching/Deduction'. I think that it properly should be placed under the 'Terribly awful brain ripping concentration' as the mechanic. Or perhaps the mechanic would better be summed up as 'Lack of fun'.
Also, based on the number of times you request it, I think that Set should be at the front of your list. Fortunately, you have a space since everyone knows that lists start at 0.
0. Lack of fun - Set
You are right Tim. 50% of the enjoyment of games is actually playing it and the other 50% is irritating you. In that case, set is much, much higher.
35 points for Firefly
35 points for keylime pie
-20 points for give no pie to me.
Here Dan I copied some pi for you: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097
I guess that will have to do...
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