Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Da Vinci

I've just finished reading the Da Vinci Code - what an intriguing book! Even more intriguing is that Rich Nathan, the pastor of our Vineyard church will be doing a sermon series on it. I can't wait to hear his opinion of this widely controversial book. From my research online, Dan Brown claims all his conjectures are true whereas others claim they are false. How can we know the truth? What I did find interesting is that in the portrait of the Last Supper (which I have hanging in our doorway) it does appear that there is a woman next to Jesus. Could that woman be Mary Magdalene? The woman that the Da Vinci Code claims is Jesus's wife? Who knows. Erik and I were discussing this and I don't really see a problem with Jesus being married. Of course Erik really doesn't think it is a problem being a preacher's kid :).

In other news:
1. Erik and I watched the March of the Penguins. What a great film!! Those little guys walk 70 miles to mate and raise their chicks. The male penguins live without any food for 4 months to take care of their babies!! What an amazing story.
2. Erik ripped up the bushes in front of our house and we planted flowers.
3. Jenna ate a lot of dirt this weekend (see #2).
4. Jenna's new favorite word (and food) is dirt.
5. This is finals week for me and I'm up to my ears in grading!!

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