Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mommy's Footsteps

Jenna put mommy's shoes on today and was walking around with them saying Mama shoes, Jenna pretty. See it here
I also have a picture too!

These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do - one of these days these boots are going to walk all over you!

In other news:

  1. Erik and I got this new game called Caylus. We really like it!! It's a board game that takes 3 hours :) but it has a lot of cool strategy in it. Basically you are trying to build in a castle and gain royal favors and build buildings to earn the most points. There's a lot more to it but I don't have a chance to write it.
  2. I have a 99.17% in my VB.NET class! yea :) I hope I do well on the final exam.
  3. Jenna has been saying "Happy Jeezy" (Happy Birthday Jesus) then Happy Mizzy, then Happy Dada but not Happy Mama. Apparently my birthday is not important.
  4. I miss Erik so much. He's been in Boston all week and he comes back tonight - I can't wait!!!
  5. I can't wait for Christmas! It is my favorite time of year.
  6. 68 points on Quiddler today :)

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