Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Favorite Programming Language

Per Joel's request - I have created my list of favorite programming languages! I only included programming languages that I have programmed in - not languages like Ruby on Rails even though that would so be on my list if I included everything.

  1. Perl. Oh perl how I love thee... let me $count the ways. Perl is loosely typed. Named after Matthew 13:45-46 (so it's God's language). It is a perfect language for all things bioinformatics. I can do so many things so quickly in perl. It's flexible and quick. Here's a line of code from the final exam I gave in my BMI courses to extract data from a microarray file: ($line=~ m/(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/). Now that's good stuff.
  2. SQL. Whether you are purist and pronounce it "essquel" or someone who goes with the flow and pronounces it "sequel", SQL is a great language for manipulating databases. I've grown to love this language as I teach it all the time. It's easy to use and just makes sense.
  3. VBA. Visual Basic for Applications is a programming language you can use to write macros in Excel. This is one of my favorite things ever! Every semester students bring spreadsheets they need help with and I write macros for them to make life easier. Such a fun language.
  4. HTML. This is such an easy versatile language, what's not to like? In about half an hour I can teach anyone how to program in HTML. It's easy and fun.
  5. ASP. NET. I love to create websites with database backends. This you can do easily with ASP.NET. I've created several for work and hope to do one soon for PDHC.
  6. Matlab. I've always loved Matlab. I wish I could work with it more. How else can you do linear algebra so fast! Matlab has a bioinformatics toolbox that we used in the BMI courses and I miss it.
  7. VB.NET. The .NET platform is leaps and bounds better than VB6. Unfortunately I was too lazy to convert many of my programs to VB.NET so I still have some in VB6. Even so, I love VB.NET
  8. Java. I wrote my entire genetic algorithm for my research in Java so it should definitely be on the list. While I wrote a lot of classes and all that, I prefer the lazy programming of perl.
  9. C++. Before Java I used a lot of C++ in my programming courses. It was actually difficult to move from C++ to Java for my research because I was so used to C++. However I've come to like Java more. Still C++ holds a special place in my heart.
  10. Basic. When I was 10 years old I wrote my first program in Basic and never looked back. It showed me a world of working with computers that I knew I would always enjoy.

What are your favorite programming languages?


Joel said...

I'd have SQL as #1. Other than that, I'm not really sure. I've done at least minimal work with 9 of your 10, having never done anything with Matlab. My Perl experience is limited to a single class in college (before DeVry, at Riverland Community College).

John said...

OCaml!! It's a dialect of ML, a functional PL. Very pleasant to use.