Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby

Today is Jenna's 14 month birthday. I tried to take a picture of her with the white bear but she was too unhappy. I'll put this picture up on my website later. She was really cute with the bow in her hair though :).

We went to Sams today which was an exciting outing! Sams had a delectable array of free samples ranging from mozzarella sticks to beef jerky. Jenna loved trying these new foods.

Body parts Jenna knows:
  1. Head
  2. Eyes
  3. Mouth
  4. Belly
  5. Feet
  6. Hands
Maybe she will be a doctor - she seems very interested in anatomy. Then again, she does enjoy pointing out lights to us. Maybe she'll be an electrical engineer. No...we are still back to biomedical engineer! A perfect career for her!!

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